Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The district is committed to enhancing the intellectual development of our gifted and talented students by providing opportunities for increased student learning.
Identification Process
All third graders and new fourth through sixth grade students are tested for possible qualification for GATE. The students are administered the Raven Plus Progressive Matrices by the school psychologist. Students scoring at the 95th percentile or above are referred to the Student Success Team (SST) as candidates for GATE identification.
CST and STS scores are used in conjunction with Raven Plus scores. Parents are notified through the school site whether their child qualifies for GATE identification.
Meeting the Needs of GATE Students
There are different ways to meet the needs of GATE students, such as:
- Differentiation - Refers to tailoring instruction based on student needs.
- Flex Grouping - Grouping students temporarily to allow for specific skills to be addressed.
- Extended/Enrichment Activities - Robotics, photo clubs, junior achievement, etc.
Contact Us
Special Education and Pupil Service at (619) 425-9600, Ext.181700.
Forms and Documents